Coming Attraction: R.O.T.O.R.

Next week Steve Agee (Sarah Silverman Program) and Todd Levin (Conan) and Adam Spiegelman (“Proudly Resents”) will talk about the great 80’s fail “R.O.T.O.R.” Get a head start by watching it on Netfix streaming or the Youtubes. call our hotline and leave a message about what you thought of the movie (646) 481-5476 FYI – the robot in the film does not look anything like the poster. It’s a dude in a mustache.

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Listener Suggestion: “Teenage Space Vampires”

Aaron Moyer  suggested the 1999 classic from Full Moon – a studio of record (Broken, scratched and in the bargain bin) With no full ado, ok a bit more ado…ado…adoo doo doo…ok Aaron Moyer Proudly Resents: Teenage Space Vampires! “Hey guys, big fan of the podcast. I have a suggestion for a bad movie that I love called Teenage Space Vampires. It was a made for TV movie in 1999 that just got re-released I think.” Thanks, -Aaron

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Start the Presses!

Recently the show has been mentioned in three different news outlets. Very exciting. It’s all about getting the word out. Most of the real work is editing and trying to find new listeners. If you have a blog, twitter account, billboard, ham radio, flea market, etc. and you can get the word out. Post an episode you like or mention the show. Please do. Tell somebody! Thanks to everyone who wrote and y’all who listen. (Coming soon…The Room) Meanwhile, enjoys these great people who have taste. Eat More Truth gave…

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Jeff Zucker Quits out of Frustration

“What did I have to do to get fired?” Jeff Zucker asked in a letter to the chairmen at NBC. Turns out Zucker’s plan for years was to do such a bad job NBC would drop him. “I wanted you to fire me so I could collect unemployment. But no matter what I did, you idiots rewarded me. This network was number one when I got here. Now we are number 5. The only reason we are no longer number six is because UPN and The WB combined.” “I turned ‘Friends’ into ‘Joey,’” He…

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Game on! the 80′s are back!

I got mass email from a friend who found himself on the floor of a video game convention. All the games are from the 80’s. My friend wanted to know if he should be looking out for something for anyone. Odyssey 2! I’ve been looking for one of these for a couple of years. Magnavox had their version of the Atari. It was a case where their knock off was better than the real thing. Like the Droid vs. the iPhone. Everyone (including me) have to have an iPhone even…

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Roger Ebert’s Return to TV

Roger Ebert is bringing film reviews and wagging thumbs back to TV. He and his wife are starting their own review show. Two other people are reviewing then there’s two corespondents and spot where Roger Ebert talks electronically. I’m so glad this show is going to be on, even if it stinks. It will fill my “Ebert& Roper” void. I watched those guys since the show started. It was so cool. They showed long clips of movies on PBS adn these two guys would fight about them. I kept watching…

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Battlefield Earth Screen writers push the blame

KCRW’s show “The Business” interviews, separately, the two men who wrote one of the worst movies ever, “Battlefield Earth.” They both claim they wrote a good script that was mysteriously re-written. I say, the first you spelled it, dealt it. It’s interesting to hear the two screenwriters talk about their experience during talk time from movie jail where they are both sent for 20 to life. Here’s the show. Tell us what you think…

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