Recently the show has been mentioned in three different news outlets. Very exciting. It’s all about getting the word out. Most of the real work is editing and trying to find new listeners.
If you have a blog, twitter account, billboard, ham radio, flea market, etc. and you can get the word out. Post an episode you like or mention the show. Please do. Tell somebody!
Thanks to everyone who wrote and y’all who listen.
(Coming soon…The Room)
Meanwhile, enjoys these great people who have taste.
Eat More Truth gave me a sentence. I’ll take it! thanks guys! in good company.
David Moye’s Article about “Troll 2.” He needed an expert, I was good enough.
Susie Felber (Adam’s sister) has always been a great supporter. Here she is hooking us up again.
What Sucks Blog listed us as something that did not…or at least I hope he did.
Hey Adam,
Cool show. Thanks for calling in about The Room. We’re both East Coast guys but if I can get out to LA anytime soon I will totally be checking out a midnight screening of The Room. It is so surreal and stupid that it is absolutely fantastic. What an experience! We’ll be giving you a shout out on our website, hopefully it sends a few listeners your way. We bad movie podcasts have to stick together š
Keep rockin!
cool! I really like your show. totally jealous!great show.