Gary Busey Plays a Dog w/ @Adamfelber and @Sullybaseball

Writer/director Paul Sullivan, NPR’s Adam Felber (“Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me”) & I recap “Quigley.” You know the movie where Gary Busey plays a mean computer game business type guy who is turned into a dog. As a dog, Gary  learns about life, flimsy sets, terrible special effect, non-comedic timing and how to sleep through a role. “Quigley”  also features Booger, Patrick from “SpongeBob,” Christopher Atkins, the black guy from “Dream On” (he’s also the guy from “The Parkers”).  Anthony Perkins’ son plays it straight as a fallen angel. The movie has everything: bad sets, bad lines and even a crew member walking in front of a camera. To be fair, it could just be a pushy extra who likes to wear vests and carry lights. All these elements make a very fun film.

Sullivan talks about directing his low-budget comedy “I’ll Believe You,” and how he almost got comedian Chris Elliott eaten by an alligator.

Here are some choice clips of “Quigley.” It’s from the “Found Footage Festival.” I don’t know what’s “found” about it. Did they “find” it in a bargain bin? Anyway, thanks for editing this for me to “borrow.” I have just started the “Borrowed Clip Fest.”

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2 Thoughts to “Gary Busey Plays a Dog w/ @Adamfelber and @Sullybaseball”

  1. Is this an elaborate joke? I made a better heaven set in college in my video production professor’s office with some glitter glue and scrap paper.

    1. admin

      I don’t know why they didn’t notice how fake it looked. They should’ve just given up and shot it in Griffith Park like all other low budget films.

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