Battleship Pretension – Hunger Games & Killer Kids (w/Josh Fadem) Tyler Smith & David Bax of Battleship Pretension review “The Hunger Games” and are joined by comedian & actor Josh Fadem (30 Rock, Eagle Heart) to discuss killer kids in movies. **NOTE: During the discussion of Gus Van Sant’s “Elephant” Josh appears to say that the film “isn’t about anything.” This is a misleading edit. Josh was actually referring to Alan Clarke’s “Elephant,” not the Gus Van Sant film.***
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Watch: Gymkata!
Watch our next film “Gymkata” here for free! (Listen to our review ) It’s a Karate – Gymnastic action film. It’s like “Hunger Games” without the budget or interest. This movie was suggested by Glen Weldon from NPR and “Pop Culture Happy Hour.” He didn’t tell me directly about it, but brought it up on his show as a thing that made him happy. This movie made me happy and sad at the same time. Former high school gymnast* and voice of “Ben 10” joins me to talk about this…
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