Chris Pine Blind & Fred Savage Love Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSS Chris Pine, Jenny McCarthy, Steve Carell and Fred Savage all worked with actress Judith Benezra (The Moth) whether they knew it or not. Judith takes us through some of the rough patches of Hollywood films as we learn what happens when bad movies happens to good actors. Judith is great actress who has appeared in some the strangest films. “Blind Dating” is Chris Pine as a …wait for it… blind guy who goes on dates with women he’s never met. Fred Savage is in the unfortunate…

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Celeb Apprentice Made Me Sick

Nicko & I return to talk about the most ridiculous, cry filled “Celebrity Apprentice.” After a week off Nicko is fire and so ampt’ed about the crazy  read head she forgot about making fun of Clay Aiken’s face. Go to the “Proudly Resents” Facebook with your “Celebprentice”opinions. (look, I just made up a word.)

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Celeb Apprentice Weak Too [sic] Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSSNicko talks Celebrity Apprentice week two. But mostly she insults me. We talk about bad plastic surgery and the fact that she doesn’t know the difference between “Star Trek” and Star Wars.” Also the perfect kids show, “Unicorn Transformers.” Next week I’ll interview the head of the Razzies about the nominations and a writer from the Oscars will hopefully tell us the unused jokes and behind the scenes. If you have any questions to ask, email me. I’ll ask. I’m not afraid. Just watch me. I…

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Do movies translate to TV? Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSSThe King of TV (Paul Goebel) and the VP of Schlock (Adam Spiegelman) talk about movies that became TV shows, great cult shows and other TV related business. I don’t know what else to say. Paul is a great guy and this is a fun episode. Enjoy!

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