Tommy Wiseau Revealed in “Room Full of Spoons”

On a special joint Proudly Resents/Projection Booth crossover, Mike White joins Adam to talk about Room Full of Spoons, a documentary from Rick Harper that chronicles the making and impact of Tommy Wiseau's magnum opus, The Room.

On a special joint Proudly Resents/Projection Booth crossover, Mike White joins Adam to talk about Room Full of Spoons, a documentary from Rick Harper that chronicles the making and impact of Tommy Wiseau’s magnum opus, The Room. Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSS Tommy Wiseau made a movie so bad, there’s a 2 hour doc about it. And there are two 45 minute podcast about the doc. On a special joint Proudly Resents/Projection Booth crossover, Mike White joins Adam to talk about Room Full of Spoons, a documentary from Rick Harper that chronicles the…

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The Tommy Wiseau Interview! Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSSTommy Wiseau interview! This Tommy Wiseau interview was mostly him promoting his new web series. Which is fine. It’s a funny interview.  You can watch his show below.  Tommy won’t answer any of the questions about the movie. He would only promote this terrible show about playing video games. So I asked him his favorite games and he wouldn’t tell me. I finally just started and ended each sentence by plugging his book. Then I gave him a big compliment and he turned around. If you are…

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