Tag: <span>year in review</span>

https://media.blubrry.com/proudlyresents/proudlyresents.com/media/prp108.mp3Podcast: Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSSIt’s the “Resenties,” the best of the worst movies as voted by bad movie podcasters. Shows like: We Hate Movies, Yeah…It’s That Bad, Movie Mastication, Filmjitzu, Rewatchability Podcast, Horrible Movie Night, Zombie Take out and others! Vote by leaving your pick…


https://media.blubrry.com/proudlyresents/proudlyresents.com/media/prp053.mp3Podcast: Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSSFormer Grantland.com writer obsessed with the Razzies  & Nicko returns to insult – on this special show. Since he was a small child, Dan Kois wanted to go to the Razzies. He wanted to see great men and women get awards…

Interview Podcast