Tag: <span>traxx</span>

You recognize his voice, but you recognize his gun? Shadoe Stevens talks about the making of the cult classic “Traxx.” It’s a movie that you watch and ask, “Were the filmmakers on drugs?” According to Shadoe, they weren’t on drugs, just drunk. (The show doesn’t confirm that. We don’t know. We weren’t there.) But it sure looks it. We learn how a local pitch man can land a three picture deal. Also the shady birth of the LA radio station KROQ. Shadoe talks about Ā his fascinating career and must-see terrible film.
Related links:

Buy Traxx

The Proudly Resents Review of Traxx

Shadoe’s website

Blackout Television

Interview Podcast

https://media.blubrry.com/proudlyresents/proudlyresents.com/media/prp019.mp3Podcast: Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSSIs announcer Shadoe Stevens the new Rambo? Would George Lucas let a 50 seat theater do a live version of “Star Wars?” First we talk aboutĀ  “Traxx” the comedy/action film that’s on the top of our all time best/worst. Stevens plays…

Podcast Recap