Month: <span>December 2017</span>

Interview Podcast The Room

Matt Hannon went from being Sylvester Stallone’s bodyguard to movie star in just 27 years.

In 2004, a film canister containing an unreleased 1991 movie was discovered in storage. The buddy film “Samurai Cop” was plagued with terrible dialogue, bad acting, and questionable continuity. Scenes from the movie went viral which was followed by sold-out midnight screenings across the nation.



Mike Spiegelman tackles the top 5 worst Christmas movies made by major movie stars.

5. Robin Williams – Toys (1992) – Let’s begin twenty years ago when the creative force behind Good Morning, Vietnam (1987) released a Christmas movie. Director Barry Levinson and the late actor Robin Williams whipped up an original trailer where Williams riffed in costume and on set. The production looked mismatched and detached, Williams ranted on, but at least the trailer was 3 minutes long. The actual film departed from Levinson’s grounded family stories into a fairy tale about a toy factory threatened by the military. Williams runs the factory, his brother is LL Cool J, his love interested is factory drone Robyn Wrigh , and he drinks Pepsi Cola. The sets, despite their oversized parameters and bright colors, dull the action, even when there are explosions and floods in the final reel. Trevor Horn of the Buggles wrote the music, including holiday tunes that no one’s ever heard, which is ridiculous because, as Americans, we’ve heard every holiday tune ever recorded. Williams and Levinson later redeemed themselves when they made the even more insufferable Man of the Year (2006).

  • Listen to more REVIEWS  of the worst Christmas movies. Listen on iTunes

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