Denny/Philip Haldiman Interview Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSSThe Denny from “The Room,” Philip Haldiman, interview. Philip Haldiman went on a blind audition for a movie he thought no one would see and it ended up as the biggest cult movie of the 21st century. Philip talks about auditioning for “The Room,” acting in the movie and getting non-direction from Tommy Wiseau. Philip talks about creating a character out of nothing, only because Tommy didn’t give him anything. Find out what “Denny” is doing now.  

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The “Real” Disaster Artist, Sandy Schklair Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSSListen Here (YouTube clip below) to all the secrets of the “The Disaster Artist.”  More inside stories one of the crew members of “The Room.” Sandy Schklair, played by Seth Rogan in The Disaster Artist, claims  that when he was hired for this vanity project he was asked to “Tell the actors where to go and to call ‘action’ and ‘cut.” Sandy never thought the movie would be seen, by anyone. Faster than you can say “Springtime for Hitler,” “The Room” is an international hit and Tommy is taking all…

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“Troll 2” actor George Hardy Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSS“Troll 2” star George Hardy (the dad) talks to us about cheap sets, flubbing lines, stale pizza and his opinions on another cult classic, “The Room.” You’ll be surprised at his review. Plus, Sean Conroy (UCB) and Marilyn Ghigliotti (“Clerks”) & host Adam Spiegelman talk about the what is considered the best worst movie and the “E.T.” of PU. Listen Below: An interview with a troll from “Troll 2” and the creator of the Razzies. Sean & Marilyn  & Adam co-host. If you like click “Like.”

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“Alienator” on Horrible Movie Night Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSS (Look below to see how to see it live!)Jan-Michael Vincent stars in “Alienator” a no budget “Terminator” rip off. J-MV sends a female body builder with a “Phantom Of the Opera” mask and a heavy metal freight wig to Earth to capture an escape space criminal.   Cheap lasers, not so special, special effects, bad acting and a certain slurring Airwolf makes this a must see/listen to.  “Horrible Movie Night” producer Jon Mathot and “Retro Radio Live” co-host Eric “Danger” Nyenhuis join host Adam Spiegelman. WANT…

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