Tag: <span>jerry lewis affair</span>

https://media.blubrry.com/proudlyresents/proudlyresents.com/media/prp191a.mp3Podcast: Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSSJerry Lewis movie! I did a full edited special “Proudly Resents” version of my guest appearance on Mike Spiegelman’s show. But I posted Mike’s full show. So, for completists, or people with not enough time to listen to the full version or…

Podcast Recap

Podcast Recap

HARDLY WORKING, Jerry Lewis, 1980, TM & Copyright (c) 20th Century Fox Film Corp

Sorry France, this Jerry Lewis clunker is le marde. My big Bro Mike Spiegelman and I review the film our mom would not let us see when it came out in the theater.

Check out Mike’s funny joke book. Discount for listeners (and you!).

A couple of things I forgot:
If this is supposed to be for kids, why is Jerry Lewis at a strip club? Is it for kids who like a good scotch and can take a punch?

Podcast Recap