“Samurai Cop” – Matt Hannon Tells All

“Samurai Cop” cop star, Matt Hannon,  sat at my dining room table for a candid, fascinating interview. Find out some of the shooting secrets to some of the great scenes. Why was Matt wearing a woman’s wig in parts of the film? Was Matt dead? And for how long? Matt opens up about his two real life felony convictions. Between shooting “Samurai Cop” and the eventual sequel Matt went to prison twice. He’s open up to what happened. Listen to our review of the film from back in the day! What’s with the dialogue? And why did…

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The Expendables: The Musical

Jonandal.com envision The Expendables: The Musical! Music, lyrics and video editing by Jon Kaplan and Al Kaplan (Conan the Barbarian: The Musical, Off-Broadway’s Silence! The Musical). Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jon-and-Al-Kaplan/225331334162084 Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/JonandAl The Expendables Theme Song. Featuring Al Kaplan as Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Terry Crews, Jet Li, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis… And Jon Kaplan as Dolph Lundgren and Randy Couture. http://www.jonandal.com http://www.jonandal.tumblr.com

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