Glenn Berggoetz had a great midnight (North) Hollywood premiere of “Midget Zombie Takeover.” Great crows, great fun. Check it out in your local theater or buy it from Glen. Here’s an interview I did with Glenn for his last movie, “The Worst Movie Ever!!!”
Tag: <span>walking dead</span>
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“Zombie Lake” Has Nazi Zombies, bad dubbing, funny make up, visible film crew and lots and lots of nudity. Who Could ask for more? Nicko and I discuss this French masterpiece. Watch the movie on our website for free (still too much!)
Our next film, Aerobicide AKA Killer Work Out. Has even more nudity! Watch it on our website and leave voice or e mail.
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Listen for an ad for “I Love Bad Movies.”
Watch “Zombie Lake” unedited below for free!