Razzies Founder Speaks Out

The Razzies , the Oscars for bad films, is under some heat. Gawker recently accused the group for only picking big named movies to get publicity. Others accused them of picking winners based on if the star of the film will come on or not (that was me privately to my friends).

But founder and Head Raspberry John Wilson shoots down those vicious rumors.
He does admit that he was approached by a publicist to rig the votes so the client would win. Hear the shocking response. John admits to swaying the voters by letting them know that the celeb will show if he/she wins. But he would never just fixed the votes. No hanging Chads here.

The Razzies have been getting some back lash, but let’s put in perspective, it’s a competition for the worst movie.

Do you think Adam Sandler should show up to the Razzies? If YES then press “Like” below. Or tweet your opinion.


Listen to older shows.
Dan Kois talks his obsession with the Razzies.

Last year I interviewed the Razzies founder John Wilson about the history of the awards.

Adam Felber and I talk about “Old Dogs.”


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