Top 5 Movie Stars with Christmas Misses

  Mike Spiegelman tackles the top 5 worst Christmas movies made by major movie stars. 5. Robin Williams – Toys (1992) – Let’s begin twenty years ago when the creative force behind Good Morning, Vietnam (1987) released a Christmas movie. Director Barry Levinson and the late actor Robin Williams whipped up an original trailer where Williams riffed in costume and on set. The production looked mismatched and detached, Williams ranted on, but at least the trailer was 3 minutes long. The actual film departed from Levinson’s grounded family stories into…

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Adam Sandler’s “The Cobbler” Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSSAdam Sandler shoe horns a all of his bad film retreads and puts them through the NYC Indie Filmlook. Mike Spiegelman (best known as “Spiegs’ brother”) takes the movie and steps all over it. Links from the show: Watch – Joe Dirt 2  7 PPl I owe $ 2 Mike’s funny book Tangerine review Breaker, Breaker Review Media Yenta

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The Razzies: Kirk Cameron Vs. Michael Bay Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSSWhat’s the only way Nic Cage and “Saving Christmas” can win an award this year?  The Razzies.  John Wilson and his Golden Raspberry Awards celebrate the worst movies of the year.  The new Razzie nominees are in! John join us to talk about his favorite nominees this year and in the past. He reveals which celebrities have a sense of humor and who can’t take the heat. John also tells us about his “politically correct” change, the new category that everyone will love and some of the…

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Celeb Apprentice Made Me Sick

Nicko & I return to talk about the most ridiculous, cry filled “Celebrity Apprentice.” After a week off Nicko is fire and so ampt’ed about the crazy  read head she forgot about making fun of Clay Aiken’s face. Go to the “Proudly Resents” Facebook with your “Celebprentice”opinions. (look, I just made up a word.)

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Razzies Founder Speaks Out Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSSThe Razzies , the Oscars for bad films, is under some heat. Gawker recently accused the group for only picking big named movies to get publicity. Others accused them of picking winners based on if the star of the film will come on or not (that was me privately to my friends). But founder and Head Raspberry John Wilson shoots down those vicious rumors. He does admit that he was approached by a publicist to rig the votes so the client would win. Hear the shocking…

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Celeb Apprentice Weak Too [sic] Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSSNicko talks Celebrity Apprentice week two. But mostly she insults me. We talk about bad plastic surgery and the fact that she doesn’t know the difference between “Star Trek” and Star Wars.” Also the perfect kids show, “Unicorn Transformers.” Next week I’ll interview the head of the Razzies about the nominations and a writer from the Oscars will hopefully tell us the unused jokes and behind the scenes. If you have any questions to ask, email me. I’ll ask. I’m not afraid. Just watch me. I…

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“Logan’s Run” with That Chris Gore Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSSChris Gore (From every podcast on itunes) picked “Logan’s Run” as  his second favorite guilty pleasure movie. It’s great. Good plot, very cheesy effects (well models and toy trains) and tissue box robots. Apparently in the future, there are no bras. Gore is his hilarious self as he talks about the history of the film and his favorite parts. This is the last part of a two hour interview we did a while back. This is the turkey sandwich after Thanks Giving. The best part in…

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.@dankois Talks Razzies. Nicko Visits. Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSSFormer writer obsessed with the Razzies  & Nicko returns to insult – on this special show. Since he was a small child, Dan Kois wanted to go to the Razzies. He wanted to see great men and women get awards for terrible movies and films. All year he’s been covering the bad movie beat in Grantland. Dan gets on the horn to talk to us. Dan talks front-runners, the overlooked and what should be the over looked. Here’s our interview with the Head Razzie from…

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“I am the 2%” The only “Jack & Jill fan”

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Warning: Undefined variable $extension in /home/m3ctttl3i28p/public_html/wp-content/plugins/powerpress/powerpress-player.php on line 396 Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSSAdam Sandler’s  “Jack & Jill” has one fan. She’s on the show to talk about why she liked the panned flick and the death threats that followed her public love. Plus, a farewell to my tonsils. Your tearful goodbyes to the almost useless part of the throat. Crystal Angel (J&J lover) and Judith Benezra (normal person) join Adam Spiegelman. Listen here! Go to itunes!

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Jack and Jill

Here’s Al Pacino rapping. I mean it. This week we review Adam Sandler’s latest, “Jack and Jill.” We actually have someone on who likes the movie! Here’s a scene from the movie. It’s gone Viral, like the mumps.  

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