Jay Leno’s Buddy Cop Film

https://media.blubrry.com/proudlyresents/proudlyresents.com/media/prp162.mp3Podcast: Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSS“Collision Course” (1989) was an attempt to capitalize on the matinée idol, Jay Leno and teen heart-throb, Pat Morita. Jim Wise (writer “Mad TV,” “Tonight Show With Jay Leno”) recaps with me this cop movie disaster. Jim also talks about the Denzel Washington copflop “Ricochet.” Plot of Collision Course: A Japanese investigator (Morita) and a Detroit cop (Leno) team up to track down a stolen prototype turbocharger. Watch Trailer below!

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Sean Conroy Monkeys w/ “Dawn Of the Planet of the Apes”

https://media.blubrry.com/proudlyresents/proudlyresents.com/media/prp159.mp3Podcast: Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSSSean Conroy (“The Long Shot Podcast,” writer “Mr. Pickles”) and I talk about the #1 movie of the weekend, “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.” It’s filled with spoilers and mispronunciation. Listen to me call “apes,” “monkeys.” We talk about the incredible CGI, the interesting plot and the old school sexism. Sean and I know each other from our stand up days in the go-go 90’s. Please vote on the over under on when Sean Conroy will buy my first child a gift. The over/under…

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“Cheerleader Ninjas”

https://media.blubrry.com/proudlyresents/proudlyresents.com/media/prp152.mp3Podcast: Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSS“Cheerleader Ninjas” is a spoof film that falls short. Playwright Robert Matsushita crosses over from his podcast to talk about this clunker. It’s a spoof movie with a couple of legit laughs. But it’s all over the place. A couple of people (Art Wheeler mostly) accidentally watched “Cheerleader Ninjas” instead of “Ninja Cheerleaders.” So this is a make up show.

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The Lloyd Kaufman Interview

https://media.blubrry.com/proudlyresents/proudlyresents.com/media/prp147.mp3Podcast: Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSSInterview with Troma honcho Lloyd Kaufman. He’s directed and produced some classic cult films like “Toxic Avenger” and “Terror Firmir.” Lloyd discusses the state of independent films today and 40 years of survival despite a “media blackout.”   Also– How to crush a head on film. Hint: Don’t use a watermelon. Never a watermelon. Listen HERE or on Itunes on Stitcher or RSS. If you like the show, share it on Facebook, Digg, Reddit, Twitter etc. Sign up for our mailing list (Look to the right). Tell us what you think…

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Was “Mrs. Doubtfire” Really a Horror Film?

https://media.blubrry.com/proudlyresents/proudlyresents.com/media/prp135.mp3Podcast: Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSSThe late Robin Williams in one of his most famous “funny help” roles. College Humor’s Hallie Cantor deconstructs the cross dressing stalker-com”Mrs. Doubtfire.”  Hallie wrote “8 Things That Still Bother Me About Mrs. Doubtfire.” The first thing about the movie is it’s impossible to find. No one streams it. You can buy the DVD on Amazon. The other thing is it’s more like a Brian De Palma film than a ha ha ha film. Robin Williams plays a man who dresses in disguise to steal time with…

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Lost Upright Citizens Brigade Movie

https://media.blubrry.com/proudlyresents/proudlyresents.com/media/prp134.mp3Podcast: Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSSUCB got together to make an improvised movie .  “Wild Girls Gone” featured Matt Walsh, Amy Poehler, Matt Besser  and Ian Roberts . Listen to guest John Ennis talks about the challenges of directing a movie on the fly. Stealing every shot and most of the props. John applied what he learned from “Wild Girls Gone” to make political documentaries. “Wild Girls Gone” also features future comedy superstars like John Ross Bowey (“Big Bang Theory”), Neil Flynn (“The Middle”), Andrew Daly, K ate Flannery (“The Office”),…

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“Parental Guidance” for Nicko

https://media.blubrry.com/proudlyresents/proudlyresents.com/media/prp127.mp3Podcast: Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSSBilly Crystal, Bette Midler, Marisa Tomei star in this non-com “Parental Guidance.” Nicko returns on a live Google Hangout to talk about the film. Watch us talk about it below or just listen. I’m not here to tell you how to listen to the show. But feel free to share the show on your social media. You are our advertising team. Get cracking!

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Ice-t as a Mule, Eric Roberts is a Cat. W/ Susie Felber and Her Kids

https://media.blubrry.com/proudlyresents/proudlyresents.com/media/prp126.mp3Podcast: Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSS Hugo (Age 6), Delia (Age 3 1/2) and their mom Susie Felber (Age ?) review “A Talking Cat!?!” & “Tommy the Cool Mule”. What more can I say? These kids are cute, opinionated and know a bad film when they see one. Too often, bad talent is pushed off on kids. As if kids don’t notice trash. Susie showed her kids these movies without ever telling her them the movies might not be good. The kids came to the conclusion that these films were trash.

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We Rip “Hard Ticket to Hawaii”

https://media.blubrry.com/proudlyresents/proudlyresents.com/media/prp125.mp3Podcast: Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSSBoobs, bombs and bazookas, throw in a killer snake (puppet) and this movie has it all! It’s “Hard Ticket to Hawaii.” Joey La Penna, Grace Kladstrup and Jim Conroy join me to take apart this cult classic. Jim also breaks down the the business of voice over acting and what movies are worth waiting for the end of the credits for. Take a listen to a funny episode above and watch the movie below. From iTunes:A Hawaiian drug kingpin plans to flood the islands with narcotics…

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Best of the Worst 2012

https://media.blubrry.com/proudlyresents/proudlyresents.com/media/prp108.mp3Podcast: Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSSIt’s the “Resenties,” the best of the worst movies as voted by bad movie podcasters. Shows like: We Hate Movies, Yeah…It’s That Bad, Movie Mastication, Filmjitzu, Rewatchability Podcast, Horrible Movie Night, Zombie Take out and others! Vote by leaving your pick here, on Itunes or our Facebook page. You choose.  The winner will be announced at the NYC PodFest on January 13th live in NYC! Come and watch the show! I’d love to meet ya!  

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